
CREOD Research Flash – April 2017

Research agenda development agriculture-­horticulture The issue Continued concerns about health and safety in agriculture and horticulture settings in Canada. An update In 2012 Agrivita and the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety In Agriculture hosted a national meeting of agriculture workers and

CREOD Research Flash – October 2016

Testing the Joint Health and Safety Committee Assessment Tool in the Education Sector Joint health and safety committees (JHSCs) are worker-management advisory bodies that identify and help solve potential or existing workplace health and safety concerns. In Ontario, most workplaces with twenty o

CREOD Research Flash – May 2016

Promoting Occupational Health and Safety Among Nail Salon Technicians: Peer Health Worker led Training Workshops Can peer-to-peer training help prevent occupational disease? As part of its Healthy Nail Technicians Project, the Queen West – Central Toronto Community Health Centre (Queen West) r

CREOD Research Flash – April 2016

Nail technicians may be at increased risk for a variety of work-related diseases including skin disease, respiratory illness, musculoskeletal disorders, cancer, reproductive issues and infections. Compounds associated with these health problems (e.g. toluene, methyl methacrylate and volatile organic

CREOD Research Flash – October 2015

Dermatitis Screening Practices in the Health Care Sector Studies have shown that about one-quarter of health care workers (HCWs) have hand dermatitis, likely due to exposure to wet work (i.e. wearing gloves or having hands in water/liquids >2h per day and/or frequent hand washing). Although conta

An evidence-based evaluation & discussion tool for Ontario hospital JHSCs

Purpose: To provide a guide for Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members to follow when evaluating the effectiveness of their committee. Download a printable PDF Download the tool Results of the study Kathryn Nichol, Linn Holness, Irena Kudla, Lynda Robson, Chun-Yip Hon, Helen Kelly, Stephan

New research synthesis: What We’ve Learned About Occupational Skin Disease

What We’ve Learned About Occupational Skin Disease A lay-language synthesis of CREOD’s body of research on work-related contact dermatitis (WRCD) over the past decade.      

New tool for evaluating JHSCs

CREOD has created an evidence-driven assessment tool that JHSCs, employers and policy-makers can use to evaluate various JHSC functions and characteristics, and help improve JHSC effectiveness. The tool was developed based on the Safety Element Method and input from experts, and pilot tested in two

Congratulations to Jeremy Scott

Jeremy Scott, a CREOD researcher, has been awarded a new position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Lakehead University. Jeremy starts at Lakehead on September 1, 2012. In addition to his ongoing research on occupational lung disease, he will be responsible for Lakeheadâ

Global Workshop on Occupational Skin Disease, 22-23 February 2011, Geneva

A Global Workshop on Occupational Skin Disease (OSD) was held in Geneva February 22 and 23, 2011, organized by the World Health Organization and the European Academy for Dermatology and Venerology. The workshop reviewed current activity related to primary and secondary prevention of OSD. 24 invited