Factors affecting attainment of paid employment after lung transplantation.

Cicutto L, Braidy C, Moloney S, Hutcheon M, Holness DL, Downey GP. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2004 Apr;23(4):481-6. BACKGROUND: Limited data exist regarding return to or attainment of paid employment after lung transplantation. Accordingly, the purpose of our study was to identify the issues relating

Health care services use by workers with work-related contact dermatitis.

Holness DL. Dermatitis. 2004 Mar;15(1):18-24. BACKGROUND: There is little information in the literature regarding the use of health care services by workers with occupational contact dermatitis. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to describe the use of health care services by workers with occ

Return-to-work barriers for workers with contact dermatitis.

Holness DL. Contact Dermatitis. 2003 Dec;49(6):273-5. There is little information available regarding barriers to return-to-work (RTW) in workers with contact dermatitis. The purpose of this study was to survey occupational health and safety personnel to determine their perceptions regarding RTW bar

Systematic review of treatment and prevention of contact dermatitis

As background for the Dermatitis Program of Care, we conducted a systematic review of the literature on contact dermatitis to aid in the provision of evidence-based recommendations. Forty nine studies met inclusion criteria.

Physician occupational disease practice survey

Our objective was to understand practice patterns, barriers to early recognition, and educational needs for family practitioners and dermatologists in Ontario. We developed a survey (based on the literature and interviews with dermatologists and family practitioners), and then used it to survey all

Stakeholder survey of return-to-work barriers for workers with hand dermatitis

Our goal was to identify and learn more about RTW barriers for workers with CD. For this study, we surveyed 21 occupational health and safety personnel during an occupational health and safety research conference. The participants were presented with 3 pictures of varying degrees of work-related han

Patient perception of the value of the clinical encounter

The objectives of the study were to explore health service utilization and perceived helpfulness of care for patients with possible work-related contact dermatitis. Patients attending the OHC at SMH over a two month period were surveyed to collect information related to health service utilization an

Workplace screening for hand dermatitis in the health care setting

Our goal was to determine the feasibility of screening in the health care sector to identify workers with hand dermatitis. 139 hospital personnel visiting an Employee Health Unit over a six week period in February and March 2002 were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire. Hand examination

Outcomes in contact dermatitis

We were interested in learning more about outcomes (disease-related, functional, and quality of life) for workers following a diagnosis of WRCD; the return to work process (including the roles of the injured worker, employer, health care providers, and others), and any workplace modifications made t

Cutaneous problems related to glove use in health care workers

The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis and contact urticaria in health care workers presenting with hand dermatitis thought to be related to glove use. Retrospective chart review of 55 workers with abstraction of clinical information an